Cosmic Carrot Farm
Rest, relax, and explore at Cosmic Carrot Farm guesthouse. Book a night in the guesthouse, camp in the spruce noll, or park your RV in the oak grove. Stroll the grounds, sit by the ponds, and enjoy an agri-tourism farm stay.
Cosmic Carrot Farm hosts music, markets, mini-festivals, meal service, and other events that bring our community together.
Online store
Flowers, produce, plants, and curiosities for the home. Order online, and pickup on farm Sunday’s.
Deepening reverence soil to stars
Cosmic Carrot Farm practices ecological agriculture, connecting us to the natural patterns of our cosmic unity, and offer products that heal our planet and community.
“Shake the hand that feeds you”
— Michael Pollan, ‘In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto’

Farming Culture
We utilize no-till, polycultural systems to increase biodiversity, soil life, and mimic ecological systems.